I'm finishing up a trade show in Friedrichshafen on Sunday, 26 June and I'd like to go by rail from there to Zermatt for one or two days. What is the best way to do this? I would like to ride the Glacier Express for all or part of the journey but I'm not sure what the easiest way to make this trip would be. After Zermatt I do not have an itinerary yet, but I will probably return to Munich. Thank You.
If you just want to go to Zermatt, there is fast service from Zürich via the Lotschberg Basistunnel. However, if you want to ride the Glacier Express to get there, you would need to head first to St. Moritz, or maybe to Andermatt and then Disentis. People say the section from Disentis to Brig is most scenic, but I haven't done that part so cannot confirm. Maybe go straight to Zermatt and return by way of the Glacier Express on your way back? You can see the routes and schedules on the Swiss rail site at www.rail.ch And if you Google "Swiss synoptic map" you will get a nice map of the rail system so you can see where everything is and the best way to connect.
"...in Friedrichshafen on Sunday, 26 June and I'd like to go by rail from there to Zermatt for one or two days." There is a ferry that crosses Bodensee from Friedrichshafen to Romanshorn in Switzerland. From Romanshorn you can go by train to anywhere in Switzerland