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Freiburg as home base

After much reading and studying RS's Germany book and reading online posts, I think we have decided to fly into Frankfurt, take the train to Freiburg im Breisgau and set up home base there. I am a mom traveling with my 19 year old son and we will be visiting my other son who is at the university there. All three of us will then venture out to some other towns by train. I think it would be best to rent a 2 room apartment near the city center and university since we won't have a car. I am confused about the booking process and exactly which neighborhood/district to focus on. I originally liked the idea of staying in Staufen but I would like for my sons to be able to hang out together without taking a bus ride to each other's towns (Freiburg/Staufen). Also, is it realistic to take a day trip to Rothenburg?

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591 posts

My daughter studied at the IES Freiburg Center / Albert-Ludwigs Univ for one semester, so I'm familiar with the city. She did quite a few weekend trips by train which included Munich, Bern, and even Prague. Rothenburg is a doable day trip. I would let your son scout around for a place for you to stay (I assume he speaks German). Freiburg has a good city bus system, so he should look for a place near a bus stop. Freiburg is a really fun town for college kids.

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1589 posts

Jane, have you asked the son currently in Germany to research this? Perhaps his university has access to a nearby guesthouse or B & B.