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Ford Mondeo Boot/Truck Space - Please help

Looking for someone with experience renting a Ford Mondeo (Sedan) in Western Europe. I can't seem to find the exact trunk dimensions anywhere, that would be ideal, any idea where to find them? What I'm wondering is if I can get 2 full size (Airline maximum) suitcases in the boot/trunk. It's mostly a width issue that I'd like to resolve prior to our trip. Thanks in advance!

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16082 posts

Try here:

Ford Mondeo Specs

BTW--in the UK it's called the "boot" and not the "trunk."

Posted by
19 posts

Thanks for the input! My 2 bags are slightly larger still, 29", they're the maximum allowed by the airlines. Has anyone tried this in the Mondeo Sedan? Or better yet, does anyone out there own one of these vehicles and have the trunk/book dimensions? Thanks!

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2297 posts

Chad, you didn't ask that question but here's a thought for you:

I used to have a 29" suitcase but don't use it anymore. For 2 reasons:

  1. Even if you can fit one of them it into your trunk, not much else will fit next to it. I can't comment on your specific car but we always drive smaller cars in Europe where fitting two of them would be impossible.

  2. It is very hard to pack such a large suitcase and stay under the maximum allowable weight for a single piece of luggage. Usually around 50 lbs on transatlantic flights, much less on continental ones. And the extra fees on going beyond the maximum weight for a single piece are substantial and calculated differently from extra weight that's distributed over several pieces of luggage when none of it exceeds the maximum for a single piece. I think my father once ended up paying around 120 Euro for 3 extra pounds ...

You can get around the first issue by renting the right car for your luggage. But I can easily put 50 lbs into a 24" suitcase (which is my preferred size) and wouldn't know how to pack an even larger suitcase and stay within the weight allowance. Get yourself a good scale before you head out to the airport.

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19 posts

Yep, I couldn't agree more, trying very hard to rent the "right" car for my luggage. These two bags fit just right width wise in my car at home, but trying to see if they'll work in the rental has been more difficult than I thought it might be. If I could just get the dimensions of this trunk/boot I could put this issue to rest. We use the larger bags one because we already own them (save some $$ in buying new bags) and secondly to allow for some space to buy things while on vaca. Also my experience has been that if I can fit these two bags in I'll be solid vs. trying to fit a 3 smaller bags in, that rarely works. Plus I don't have to pay the extra bag fees to the airlines. Already have a hand scale (another good idea you had), never been a problem, will carry on heavier items on the return in the light expandable nylon bags we store in the larger bags on the way over.

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19 posts

Thanks for the link! I think I found the width listed as about 44.7" (width between wheel arches)which should be just fine...phew...Hopefully I'm reading the "width between wheel arches" as the usable width in the trunk/boot correctly.