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Flying to Europe in December

How early in advance should we book airfare tickets to Europe for travel around December 26th through January 16th? Most airlines show on average of 800-900 dollars right now. Do we wait to see if prices decrease?

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11 posts

The prices is high because of the holiday season. I was in Europe December 2007 and got my ticket in September for $500.

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524 posts

Prices have risen in the past year, due to falling dollar value, rising fuel prices, or whatever. A round trip fare from LAX to anywhere in Europe for $800-900 seems reasonable to me, especially during the holidays.

Have a great trip!

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805 posts

Anytime you can go round trip to Europe for less than $1k from the West Coast that's pretty damn good.

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2 posts

Thanks everyone for your input! This is our first trip there and just want to make sure we plan it well. I just wasn't sure because I had heard that during the winter time, airfare could be from $500 to $1K so was just checking. Thanks!

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1455 posts

Trang, I'm flying out of LAX this Sunday and paid $800 (pre tax) to get to London. I thin since you're going during the holidays, the price won't decreast. If it does, it won't be much.. maybe pennies.

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671 posts

I am going over the holidays and already bought my tickets in April. Any other year, I might have waited until October (traditionally when the winter rates drop to their lowest), but I felt with the dollar and fuel situation, it wouldn't get any better than this. Also, I was able to get a direct flight from Seattle to Frankfurt, and I didn't want to risk some horrible connection to save $75 (my brother and his wife had a bad experience missing connections on their October trip.)

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424 posts

Trang, I booked my Italy air ticket for last December (Dec 13-23) back at the end of last May. I paid $977 (open jaw ticket from SFO). I checked each week, and the ticket price kept going up and up. So if you can grab 800-900 now, I would do it.