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Florida to Switzerland

What is more costly to fly from Jax, FL to Geneva and take train to Murren or fly from Jax, Fl to Beren and take train to Murren? Any recommendations for best booking flight/train sites?

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Dawn, You'll have to check websites such as Expedia, Priceline or others to determine the cheapest flights from your area to Switzerland. You could also speak with a Travel Agent. In addition to Geneva or Bern, be sure to check Zurich as it's one of the largest airports. Regardless of which airport you choose, the rail system in Switzerland is fantastic, so you won't have any difficulties getting to Mürren. I wouldn't bother pre-booking rail tickets, as that's easily done when you arrive there. There's a rail station at the airport in Zurich, so you can depart right from there. Are you aware of the route you'll have to use to reach Mürren? If not, post another note. Happy travels!