I was looking at flights from Florence to Montreal and noticed they are a lot more expensive than other places! What is the average flight cost from Florence to Montreal? Would it be better to fly out of somewhere like Venice instead? Or take a train to London then fly back from London since flights seem a little cheaper?
Florence airport may not have as much competitive service as other airports. Try price quotes for other Italian cities. Budget about $65 for a Milan-Florence train, $55 from Venice or Rome, or $15 Pisa-Florence in 2nd class. Do not plan to take a train to London; prices start at about $300 for advance booking and go up from there; flying a discount airline would be cheaper (www.skyscanner.com).
You don't necessarily have to book roundtrip air to the same city. Once you have an idea of cheaper options, you can request a "multi-city" itinerary, into one city and out from another.