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Flights to Germany on US Airway cheap for the summer!

I've been checking American and US Airway, last week US Airway was about $220 one way this summer from KY, to NC and PA to Germany. But, it went away and I missed out. Today, some flights are low again $252 one way, so I booked our flights for this coming summer. Just wanted to let you all know in case you were looking for a cheap flight. Total for one ticket with taxes and fees: $620!

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1358 posts

So, wait, two stops on the way to Germany? I did that on my first trip overseas (on USAirway, too, stopping in Charlotte and Philly), and it was a nightmare coming home. Having 2 layovers after a long international flight is a big pain, and I almost had to spend the night in Charlotte due to weather. I'd rather pay more.

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7209 posts

Kathleen, thanks for that information. You do it exactly what I do. I look for the cheapest way for me to get there. I figure if I have to make a couple of stops along the what...I'm getting to my destination and saving a pocketful of money!

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474 posts

I booked my flights yesterday, $603 RT from Seattle to Amsterdam for June/July. Price was the same for Frankfurt. That was with one stop in Philly. Now I am looking at tickets for August, and I can do RT again to Amsterdam for $509. This is a great deal from the West Coast where I was looking at $1500 RT before.

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119 posts

Maureen, I'd rather pay $1800 for three tickets than the $4200 it was going to cost me. One layover on the way, two on the way coming back. Not a big deal to me, especially when it saves me nearly $2500.