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FLights from Chicago to Frankfurt

The best fares I've found by far are with Air India, but they have EXTREMELY mixed reviews. I'd like to know if anyone has flown this particular route, and to see what their experience has been.

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1358 posts

Click on Graffiti Wall, then Transportation, then Flying to Europe. Then search for comments from other travelers about flying to Europe. You will find many about airlines you may not have considered.

You won't find very many about Air India, but as I remember there are some very negative reviews. As you read that column you may find another line you will want to consider. Keep an open mind, looking for low fares.

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208 posts

Lisa, everyone flying to Europe wants the best rate they can get but also don't want a bad airline experience. Air India, as well as other carries have had some bad reviews, but also some good reviews. As for me, I stay with carriers I have had good experience with even though it might cost me more. I sure don't want to be booted off an overbooked plane. If your schedule is like mine, you might have several hours to spare, but not a days delay. Whatever carrier you use, book early and be at the gate early. I would not fly India but that is just my preference.