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Flight Travel in Europe?

I am a novice traveler planning a week long trip to Europe. A friend and myself are arriving in Amsterdam on the 1st of June and planning to fly out that same day on a flight to Venice. My question concerns a layover we have in London. Are there any specific travel considerations that need to be taken into account because of this layover in England versus the rest of Europe? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!

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2 posts

My apologies for not being more clear. We've had a slight change in plans but my question still remains. The itinerary is as follows. We will board an easyjet booked flight from Amsterdam to London Stansted airport on the first of June. We have a four hour layover in London Stansted before boarding a ryanair flight to Rome. On the 6th of June we reverse the trip using the same connections with a slightly longer layover in Stansted. We will only be traveling with carry-on luggage.

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8700 posts

Since the Netherlands is in the Schengen zone and the UK is not, you will be on an international flight and you will have to go through immigration/passport control when you arrive at Stansted. If your easyJet flight is on time, you will have no problem making your Ryanair flight. Four hours is plenty of time. However, I hope you realize that budget airlines are very strict about their check-in deadlines. If you don't have a boarding pass in hand when Ryanair's deadline arrives, your ticket will be worthless and you'll have to buy an expensive new one for a later flight. The same conditions will apply on your return.

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15963 posts

It's actually a little more complicated...I'm guessing that when you say layover in London, you mean you're connecting from a flight fro the U.S. to a flight to Amsterdam? Is that right?

First, which airport in London. Second, what airlines are you flying from the U.S. to London and then London to Amsterdam? Third, how long is your layover? Fourth, will you have checked luggage or just carry on?

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2779 posts

Both Amsterdam and Venice are within Schengen-Europe so direct flights between the two are like domestic flights. The UK is not part of Schengen-Europe and therefore flights to and from there are considered and handled as international flights incl. passport checks etc. What's your total itinerary?

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8700 posts

And fifth, what airline are you flying from Amsterdam to Venice?

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15963 posts

Standsted is one of those airports that makes all arriving flights go through passport control. (If you were at Heathrow or Gatwick you probably wouldn't have to.)

So, when you arrive, both times, you'll go through passport control and then check-in for your next flight. As mentioned earlier, make sure you have enough time as intructed by the airline. If you try to check in too late, you will not be allowed on the plane.

Posted by
881 posts

Ryanair usually closes check in at 40mins before the flight. Check your Ryanair email confirmation, and they'll include specific info on there if you scroll down. As Tim mentioned, they don't have a lot of sympathy when the flights are booked separately. You'd probably be fine, but with 2 flights already that day the odds of eating the cost of one or both discount flights increases.

One alternative idea - look at taking a train to Bremen or Dussledorf from Amdam, then flying out on Ryanair to Venice (they have connections from both cities). Dutch trains are cheap, efficient, usually on time, and you wouldn't have to worry about flight delays. With layovers, etc travel time is about the same as Stansted too.

Have a great trip!

Posted by
2779 posts

Megan, are your Easyjet and Ryanair flights booked already? Are you aware of the low cost carrier that flies directly to Italy from Amsterdam? Otherwise you'd be spending a lot of very valuable time at airports and on board of planes...

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11507 posts

Have you purchased flight already?? Does seem like you might have been able to get better flights, thats alot of time in airports for such a short flight.

Posted by
63 posts

What is your intiniary and where are you trying to go?

The best I can tell you are saying that you are arriving from the US into Amsterdam. Then flying to London to catch a flight to Rome all on the same day. (at first it was Venice but your plans changed). Then it sounds like you are flying from Rome to London to catch a flight back to Amsterdam to return to the US.

Is there some missing information about other plans you have at these other places during the week?

Otherwise the answer would seem to be fly direct to Rome from the US. This way you would have no layovers.