We're traveling to Italy's Northern Lakes this coming October. The ferry website Navigazionelaghi.it shows service ends in September. Is transport available within Lake Como, Lake Maggiore or Lake Garda in October? Dianne
Santa Clara, CA
dianne, I'm sure there will be Ferry service on the lakes in October, as the "locals" will also need to get around. However as Sasha mentioned, the schedules will be revised for the Fall & Winter, which typically means reduced frequency of sailings. It would help to know which of the lakes you're planning to visit? Happy travels!
They are showing the current schedule in the PDF form, which ends Sept. 30. that does not necessarily mean the service stops, just that there will be a different schedule. I don't know about Garda or Maggiore, but you can see the service available on lago di Como in October if you search a specific route like Varenna to Bellaggio. I found about 7 ferries on Oct. 6 just for an example.