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Fastest way between Paris airports

My flight home from Paris leaves Charles de Gaulle airport at 1:30 pm, give or take a bit. We will probably be in Monaco the day before. One possibility is that we fly from Nice to Paris the same day, but most of those flights land in Paris Orly airport. We can leave early enough to make this work same day, so what is the quickest/cheapest/most efficient way to get from Orly to Ch de G airport? Thanks

(oh yes, we know about open jaws, but flying home from Nice adds on about 5 more hrs with layover time, we figure $100 each to fly back to Paris is a good price to pay to save that time)

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8700 posts

easyJet has a Nice-CDG flight that leaves at 06:15 and arrives at 07:45. No need to make the Orly-CDG transfer. If you book ASAP, you can get a ticket for less than €30.

If you still want to fly via Orly, send me a PM and I'll give you details on transferring to CDG.

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445 posts

What makes me nervous about these same day transfer flights to your point of departure for home is the following:

We had reservations from NY/CDG on Air France followed shortly by a flight CDG/Nice also on Air France. Our luggage was checked through to Nice.
Air France cancelled the flight to Nice and we had to sit around waiting for what seemed forever. Now this happened on our arrival but it could well occur on your departure day as well.

Now if you book a flight on the same day you are going to depart, you risk the chance of having your flight cancelled and misssing your flight home!

Since you need to be at CDG by 11:30 at the latest
(and I always allow 3 hours), this does not give you much flexibility if something goes wrong.

There is an Air France bus from Orly to CDG.

Personally I always think it is risky flying into your departure city on the day of your trans-Atlantic departure.

Others will probably disagree but you do not have much margin of error. Airlines cancel flights quite easily if the load factor is not adequate. It is a matter of economics these days!!!