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Fast train - Rome to Naples. Trouble searching Trenitalia

What am I dong wrong? On Trenitalia website I have plugged in Rome to Naples for train schedule/price for a Sunday in March (my trip isn't until September) but it comes with an error message saying those stations are not available. I just need to know how early the fast trains leave Roma Termini for Naples, what is the cost, and if there will be a discount if I purchase a mini fare. Thanks for your help.

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23569 posts

Are you sure you are using the correct spellings? I will try it.

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1260 posts

Hi Linda. It worked fine for me. Are you using the English option (top of page)? I used English spellings 'Rome' and 'Naples' and it worked fine. To see mini fares, select a train and hit continue. Use different dates (March, May) to get an idea of how mini fares change as dates get closer. Enjoy your trip!

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2207 posts

Schedules for September are not posted yet and probably will not be until mid-June. As Bob suggests, look in March-May and select similar routes. The schedules don't change much... but the MINI promotional fare prices will. Start looking for specific September routes in June!

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1409 posts

Thanks, maybe I was using English while searching and I will be sure to check in June for the mini fares. I appreciate your help.

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8307 posts

The trains in Italy are government subsidized, and all things political are a little up in the air right now. Railroads' posted schedules are for the short time ahead. Don't worry about getting a reservation right now. Seldom do any Italian trains sell out except for the biggest holidays. Trains run about every 30 to 45 minutes, and second class is about E45. Just wait until you get into town to purchase a ticket and get a reservation. Purchase it by the day before you leave to get a Mini Fare (discount.) See for the best details on train travel, including how to buy train tickets from Termini ticket kiosks. It's easy.

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23569 posts

Mini fares are limited. They may be purchased till midnight the day before IF THEY ARE AVAILABLE. Mini fares will sell out. Fewer mini fares are offered at popular times and more at unpopular times. Mini fares have some of the same craziness that affects US airline tickets. Mine fares are available for first class so you might find a mini first class that is cheaper than full fare second class.