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Expedited airport security programs

We're planning our first European vacation next year. Checking TSApre and NEXUS, it appears that the latter offers broader services for less cost. Can anyone help clarify?? THANK YOU!!

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8863 posts

My understanding is that NEXUS is only for expedited travel between US and Canada. Basically for people who travel back and forth across the northern border often.

Posted by
43 posts

Hello from Canada.

We have a nexus card and stan is correct that it will only assist you crossing the border (land) between Canada and the US. It will also help you at canadian airports through security when travelling to the states. It will NOT HELP YOU in the southern states. The border protection guards in Houston at a good laugh when we presented the NEXUS card at the houston airport on our return trip from south america.

Now saying all that, we noticed that we are TSA prechecked as well. Im technially challenged so I dont know how it happened; whether nexus automatically prechecked us; or whether because we have added our personal info (passport #, expiry dates, date of birth etc)a few years ago online when buying tickets. I dont know how it happened and honestly havent bothered to find out, but the nexus card is very useful.

Happy travels.

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23573 posts

What you want is Global Entry. It is $100 for five years and includes TSA Precheck which is more than worth it. Global Entry takes some time to get so start now.

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43 posts

We dont know if the OP is canadian or american. If canadian she/he does not qualify for global entry as you must be an american citizen.

However, I just checked my nexus card and it indicates that I am enrolled in global entry as go figure - can anyone explain?

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8863 posts

I read in the Wall Street Journal that TSA is about to start a big promotion to boost enrollment in TSAPre and to make it easier to understand and apply. Currently some airlines are providing it randomly to frequent flier program members. Recent trip, I had it on three of four flight segments, with no effort on my part. Sometimes the Pre line is slower than the regular full-monty line.

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23573 posts

Then use the other line. I have never seen that. Plus you don't have to take off your shoes, pull out the quart bag, do a body scan, etc. Far faster to get through the TSA security line.

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8821 posts

Nexus qualifies a person for TSA pre-check. Everyone in the TSA pre-check line is only assured of this status 90% of the time because travelers are still picked randomly for full inspection at times.

It also provides global entry services at kiosks in many International Airports. Nexus members can add a retinal scan to their ID and quickly get processed through immigration. It only costs $50, but you do need to go for an interview in person to qualify. If you live near the US/Canada border, that usually isn't too big a deal. If not, I'm not sure how well it will work for you.

I love my NEXUS card!! My sister has found re-entry to the US or Canada from Europe much quicker using the kiosks in the airports with her card.

Posted by
43 posts

Thank you for your post. Yes we love our nexus card as well and you mention points I had forgotten. Yes, you can use it when you return from an international flight. We have used it in Calgary and Vancouver very easily and quick.

You can fill out the application form online, pay by credit card and then wait to hear from US Border Protection for interview time and date. This can be changed but its slim pickings in Vancouver (long wait) if you decide to change. We had the retinal done as well in Vancouver. Not every airport that has NEXUS interview area will have retinal (at least not in Canada). So as the other poster stated it might be dlfficult for you.

Be sure to bring your birth certificate with you as well as your passport. Everything that is required for interview. This was my first experience with US BPG and they are very serious and thorough;).

Good luck it is really worthwhile if you live close to the US Canada border or travel internationally.

Happy travels.

Posted by
223 posts

Other fun facts: children, even babes in arms, I understand, need their own Global Entry card. Be prepared to speed through and sit and wait for companions that did not go through the GOES system.