Greetings all -
Lately we've seen a rash of questions regarding driving tickets folks have gotten overseas. Seems like Italy is the country most cited for these in the questions I'm reading. So, as a soon to be driver in Europe, I'm alerted by this info and also now concerned.
I plan to be driving in Germany and Austria come July. Are these types of driving restrictions/zones common throughout Europe or is it an Italy thing? Are the hidden cameras the norm, or is this also unique to the specific question we read?
Alot of what I'm also seeing reflects what sounds like getting ticketed by a hidden camera while traveling in zones where it is restricted, but it sounds like the offenders unknowingly entered the zone (Maybe they couldn't read the sign?). And, since it is not a situation where the police pull them over and give them a ticket, they don't even know while they are there that they are driving in a restricted area and may continue to drive in such zones for days on end, only to find out months later that they were in the wrong. As we know, one question was for tickets totaling around 1,000 euro.
Any experience/thoughts?