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Europe-Bound air travellers, take heart

More test flights being done adverse problems seen. Add to the list in this story, flights by Condor (Germany) and Transavia (Netherlands), which are happening right now.

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2 posts

Crossing my fingers.... We are supposed to fly to England on Thursday and I'm holding out hope that we can still go.

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32325 posts


Thanks very much for posting that! I've got a flight booked in mid-May (which transits Frankfurt), and was starting to get a bit worried.

I wonder if Air Canada has any "test flights" planned?


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1358 posts

The flights that are going now are all going east or north, nothing to the west (or from the west going over the Atlantic) yet.

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11 posts

Does anyone have a number for Luthansa other than (800) 645-3880? I'm trying to rebook and their line is consistently busy