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Entering US from Toronto, Canada

My 16-year-old daughter will be traveling solo from Rome to Seattle on Air Canada through Toronto. When I booked the flight the "Underwear Bomber" had just happened, and security had been tightened, requiring passengers to go through Canadian passport control and enter Canada, collect their luggage, and then go through US passport prescreening. Does anyone know if this is still required, or if she can avoid entering Canada and go right through to her US departure gate?

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1591 posts

This is the standard operating procedure when traveling between Canada and the US regardless of whether you are coming in from Europe or Asia. US immigration is always handled at the Canadian airport - once you are past this, the next flight is essentially treated as a domestic US flight. There are no procedures (I believe) for handling immigration for incoming Canadian flights in the US.

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32325 posts


Although slightly different than your situation, I have a few comments on my recent experience.

I recently flew from Frankfurt to Kelowna via Calgary. When disembarking in Calgary, I had to collect my checked luggage, clear Passport control and then re-check my luggage for the connecting flight to Kelowna. It was all rather easy and I didn't find it too stressful at all.

I've connected through Toronto in the past, but never transited there on the way home, so can't comment on current procedures there.
