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EN236 Vienna Express Overnight Train from Venice

Hi All, Just wanted to get some advice before purchasing tickets for this train. Has anyone been on this journey at night and is it safe on a 2 berth sleeper compartment. Are there locks for the doors as i have heard stories of tourists having some of their belongings stolen while asleep. My fiance and I are looking to travel on this train overnight in mid Oct 2012, and being a first time train traveller in Europe i just wanted to get advice for people that have taken this train. Any other tips/advice are most welcome. Thanks.

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8700 posts

I haven't taken this particular train, but I can tell you that on night trains couchette and sleeper doors lock from the inside. If you book now on the Austrian Rail site, you can get a discount fare as low €99.00/person for beds in a 2-person sleeper. You can print your own tickets.

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2829 posts

Night trains on shared compartments are NOT safe in my opinion. You are sleeping next to a stranger, having to share what I consider to be somehow an intimate moment (sleeping on a flat surface) without any supervision like in the form of flight attendants. Your belonging can be stolen anytime during the night, as safety standards for shared compartments on night trains are way, way outdated compared to airlines. Nothing precludes someone in your compartment from leaving it open in the middle of the night so that an accomplice would go there and stole your property. The train carriages on this specific service are also crap, they are more than 30 years old and I'm not sure they even have air-conditioning!