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Electronic Passports

I recently received my new passport with the RFID chip imbedded in the back cover of the passport. I have not traveled since receiving this passport and was wondering if any of you have. Also, I wonder which airports are set up with the chip reader and if that will expedite the movement of the lines. I know there have been some security concerns over the issuance of a chip imbedded passport but they are here and we will have to live with it. I do understand that if the chip is damaged, which is very possible considering the passport is good for ten years, that you will be able to continue to use the passport like before. Anyone had experience, good, bad or otherwise, with their new passport or has it been a non-issue so far?

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8056 posts

I really do not see what security concerns there would be, other than improved security through better validation. Really the RFID is no different in base function than the barcode already on your passport, and if either one of those does not work, all the needed information is still visually available. As for wait times, probably not much different. If you think about it, an RFID read is about the same as a scan, or look at your passport, they still do all of the other stuff (questions, etc.) as normal, so no time savings.

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23626 posts

If you passport was broken, it would be slightly slower to process because the ID would have to be manual keyed into the system. Other than that -- no difference.

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1589 posts

We have flown into Italy twice with the new version, without even a second glance.

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115 posts

Does anyone know if they still stamp your passport when you enter a country? Or do they just scan it now.

I know it might sound silly, but I would love to be able to 'collect' the stamps in my passport.

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180 posts

my passport has been stamped arriving and departing the Czech Republic, Austria and France - all within the last year

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3580 posts

I arrived and departed England. Was stamped coming and going.

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1317 posts

In and out of Italy stamped both ways, plus stamped upon re-entering the U.S.

In general it sounds like you will get stamped unless you happen to be transferring between EU countries (i.e., France to Italy). Then it is a lot more hit and miss, depending on passport control that day.

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805 posts

As far as I'm concerned, the law requires them nowadays so I just might as well use it. If you have the proper documentation, you really don't need to worry about every little detail on it. Customs is one of the areas in which people most needlessly stress out, IMHO. Virtually every time I've gone through customs anywhere they look at my documents and wave me through without a second glance. As the old saying goes, you have nothing to hide, so don't worry.

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8056 posts

Stamping for me has been hit or miss, but even when they stamp, it is only legible about half the time. If you are serious about some momento of your travels, especially since you will not get a stamp for most Schengen countries, find a sticker or logo for each country as you go and put on a common item when you get home. For my Dad, it is a walking stick, my wife, a framed scrapbook type page, I just have my journals and a map I keep and highlight.

Posted by
769 posts

YOu can always go into the local Post Office for a stamp - and some of the bigger tourist sites seem to have special stamps you can get too (either in your regular Passport or the tourist-fun-passports (like the national-park one here in the US)