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EasyJet, RyanAir and Vueling

Has anyone had recent experience using these 3 budget carriers within Europe? I gather that you cannot check bags with these carriers onto a subsequent different carrier (like United or USAir), and that you must pick up any checked bags and then go through screening again when transfering from one carrier to another? I ask because I need to get to Palermo, but would like to stop off in Rome or Barcelona for 4 or 5 days first. On the way back I have about 3 hours in Rome for a re-connection off EasyJet and then onto USAir (for example), and I'm not sure that's enough time. I would do carry-on (as I normally do), but I understand these budget carriers are very strict on what you can bring as carry-on. I use a RS convertible backpack, and I can just barely get away with it as carryon with USAir.

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9371 posts

You are right that you cannot check a bag through from a budget carrier to another one, and you have to pick it up and recheck it for your next flight. Three hours should be plenty of time in Rome between flights on the way back IF you are at the same airport (not sure who flies where). Each of the airlines you mentioned lists their baggage restrictions on their websites. If you find you will have to check your bag for the budget leg, it will be cheaper to say you will be checking during the booking process. Waiting till you are at the airport is a lot more expensive. I have flown with both EasyJet and Ryanair with no problems.

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2931 posts

No problem with a pair of full RS convertibles on EasyJet for us, and again for our sons the following year. If they fit one sizer they should fit them all. In fact, we were not checked.
I'd be more concerned about the time gap, in case the plane is late. After all, your flight could be its nth of the day, with each one adding delay. Can you set this to give yourself a longer connection time?

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32417 posts

Michael, I've flown with both EasyJet and RyanAir, and MUCH prefer EasyJet. They're my "preferred" budget airline in Europe. I travelled from Rome to Palermo with EasyJet in September, and it was a very "easy" flight. One point to mention is that I believe RyanAir goes to Trapani rather than Palermo. The fact that they often use out-of-the-way airports is one reason I tend to avoid them. Many of the budget airlines in Europe ARE strict with carry-on luggage. EasyJet normally allows ONE carry-on only. That doesn't mean "one plus a personal item such as a Daypack and a Laptop case", it means ONE ONLY of the approved size (and they usually DO check). If you do decide to check luggage with the budget airines, be careful with the weight limits. If you think the bag will exceed the allowable weight limit, it's better to pay the extra charges at the time of booking, as it's more expensive if done at the gate. Three hours should be adequate for a connection time on your return flight. Happy travels!

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11525 posts

I have flown with Vueling and Easyjet, I personally would be wary of Ryanair as they use far flung from destination airports, ( ie they use Beavais for "Paris" but Beavais is 90 kms from Paris with no direct transport between , you have to train and bus ands its an hour and half commute!) Both Vueling and Easyjet have pretty clear limits, I find both their websites very clear and easy to understand. In both cases I prepurchase a checked bag. On Easyjet one bag carry on means ONE bag, not your bag and your purse , or your bag and a laptop, etc. I just shoved my purse in my carry on.

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751 posts

I use Ryanair and Easyjet regularly and have used Vueling in Spain. I have gotten very used to traveling light and can take everything I need for a two or three week trip in a bag that meets the size and weight restrictions of the budget airline. I like not having to check bags and I do laundry when needed on my trips. But remember, if doing this, you only get one bag, not a carryon and a purse or backpack. I flew both Easyjet and Ryanair over Thanksgiving and gate personnel did check bag size when they saw a bag they thought might be too big. In some places they check more strictly than others. I know there are lots of negative comments about the budget airlines but you cannot beat them for price and if you follow their guidelines, you are fine. You said you are used to traveling light so just make sure your bag meets the size and weight guidelines. For the most part, these airlines have very good on-time arrival and departure records.

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46 posts

Thanks very much for the helpful counsel. I saw one response on Vueling (thanks). Have others had much experience with them? I have received more positive feedback on EasyJet than any other budget carrier, both here and elsewhere on the web. Vueling is only relevant for a stopover in Barcelona, which is my alternative to Rome for a stopover before going on to Palermo. Thanks again.

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11525 posts

Michael suggest you visit other forums besides this one, Vueling is well known, it uses good main airports, its website is easy to use, and they allow you a carry on and a purse. That said , honestly its half a dozen of one and six of another, I have used both before, and this summer I used both on that visit, I just picked which ever one was cheapest for the flights I wanted to take. Its all about the money saved to me , as long as safety and reliability are even of course. Its funny , when you google for best and worst airlines, I found Easyjet voted best on one site, and on the top 10 worst list on another site, in other words, give up , its so hard to ensure everything is perfect, just find the general concensus on an airline, and pick the one that meets your schedule and location needs best, ( and price) there are always flukes right . Good luck its hard to commit when things aren't clear cut. And yes, check out a few other forums to get more opinions.

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9371 posts

No matter which budget airline you choose, particularly if you are doing carry-on only, there is not a lot of difference. As a previous poster said, their arrival/departure/safety records are all about the same. I go with whatever suits my schedule and my price range. Even if it's a less than comfortable seat, or you have to buy drinks instead of getting them for free, it's usually a very short flight. If the price is right, I can handle almost any other inconvenience.

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410 posts

I have flown with them all, most recently Vueling. Of the 3, I would very happily fly with either Vueling or EasyJet again, but RyanAir only if the flight times, arrival airport and cost were massively better than any other airline. I would rate Vueling higher than the other two - to me it feels less like a budget airline. All budget airlines can be quite strict with all manner of rules, including carryon. I have generally found it very dependant on the country you are flying from - my carryon luggage rarely gets more than a cursory glance in Spain (where I live) whereas in the UK they are much more particular. As others have said, their websites are usually pretty helpful.