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Posted by
510 posts

Raynair is 90% grounded until at least 4/9, if not longer.

-- Mike Beebe

Posted by
23666 posts

It only gets worse. Only a matter of time before US discount airlines will face similar decisions. I know there is a political element in the US that trying to maintain that this is no worse than the season flu but it really is. Moving closer and closer to cancelling Italy in Oct. It is going to be a rough summer. Hang in there. We will survive till 21 -- I hope !!

Posted by
8371 posts

We will again fly on the European budget airlines. We just don't know when.
I'm just thankful to have had them in recent years to keep airfares competitive and affordable.
I pray for their furloughed employees, and that they will fare these difficult times okay.
And remember, 2021 is going to be a completely new year.

Posted by
16614 posts

So is it too late to book with this special that came in my mail yesterday?

They're still taking bookings. You justs don't know if your flight will go.

Posted by
5583 posts

My wife found an amazing deal with Easyjet to Malaga during next February half term, at prices that would be unheard of during school holidays. The question remains whether there will still be an Easyjet come February?