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easiest long trip for achy types?

If I don't move around, I get sick and achy and it takes about a week to recover. For one trip, I'm thinking of taking a cruise to get there in good shape. I'm also wondering if you can fly first class for just the Atlantic crossing part to save money. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

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1994 posts

I fly coach (I'm short) and need to walk/move around because of a medical problem. When I need to stay in my seat, I fidgit to keep circulation going. At other times, I do some leg exercise in the restroom, or stand/walk around in the kitchen area. Flight attendants probably aren't crazy about it, but I've never had anyone give me a hard time. They either ignore me or talk with me.

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223 posts

Thanks, Sherry. I used to do that, but it's not working any more.

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8293 posts

Sarah, last December we met a couple on the QM2 coming back from the UK. They have an apartment in London where they spend several months every year and they always go back and forth on the QM2 because they find flying so intolerable now.

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11294 posts

If walking around frequently during the flight is not working, I don't know if business or first class will help; it sounds like a more serious problem. Have you checked with a doctor? I know Cunard used to have deals where you could take a ship across the Atlantic in one direction, and get a reasonably priced one way flight for the other (as opposed to just buying a one way air ticket alone, which would be very expensive). You'd have to check with the cruise lines themselves to find out the latest offers. The transatlantic section of would be another place to get more info. (won't hotlink because of the ? in the URL).

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11507 posts

Sarah, I usually fly economy or economy plus trans alantic( its about 10-12 hours from where I live) .. and have only flown first class once, Victoria to Paris. First class is waayy comfier,, especially if you get a plane that has the lay flat cubicles ( called pods I believe) ,, even normal first class is alot more comfy though. I arrived feeling human, for once! BUT,, if you have a chance encounter with rough air they may put the seat belts on sign on,, meaning you can't get up and walk around. Its not that common, but it can happen. So, if your comfort absolutely would be compromised by not being able to get up whenever you want( as opposed to at least being comfy if you can stretch out flat) then a ship may be your option. I would look at some of the repositioning cruises, ships leave the caribbean in late spring to go do the summer med cruises, they often have pretty good prices, cheaper even then flying first class.