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E-Ticket and Passport Precise Match

Dear Travel Community,
We will be flying from US to Spain.
Son’s name on passport is Luis Alfonso Santos Pinto.
E-Ticket just has Luis Alfonso Pinto.
Santos is his mom’s “maiden name”.
Do you think we would have a problem with TSA?
Thank you!

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11728 posts

Have you contacted TSA?

The forum can offer lots of opinions, but not give you an official answer.

My 'guess' is probably not a problem, because I have not seen, on US airline websites, a place to have more than first, middle, last(surname). I have seen on Iberia Air a place for a 'second' surname. Again , this is just an 'opinion'.

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380 posts

Only the TSA can say for sure, but I know that my kids have two middle names, which are listed on their passports, and we always just buy tickets with their first and last names, or occasionally just first, middle, last, and there's never been a problem. I think the big problem would be if the names were different, not if middle pieces were left out. The TSA is going to consider "Pinto" to be his last name, whether that is correct or no. It will probably be fine.

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23561 posts

This one is simple -- NO problem. There isn't room on a ticket for a lot of extra names. First and last are critical and many people don't use a middle name even if on the passport. We just use initials.

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17238 posts

I recall reading on some travel forum devoted to air travel that the rule for Spanish surnames ( which are traditionally double) is that only the last one ( father's surname) is required on the air ticket----unless the two are hyphenated, which makes them read as one.

And by "Spanish" I mean Spanish-speaking, or any Latino culture that uses the double-surname approach (mother's maiden name followed by father's surname).

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226 posts

I would call up your airline or the person who booked your son's ticket. I was once at San Francisco airport checking in for a flght and the poor boy ahead of me had his name entered wrong and a fight took place between the check in counter staff and Father. The family was forcred to purchase a new ticket and the family could not afford a new ticket at the current price of that day.

The Father told the check in desk manager how dare you do this to a child. I could not help but to laugh because the Father was holding up the line and blocking my access. I said to the Father now its my turn to check in. He got more irate.

I always look at my itinerary after booking so that I can cancel and rebook for name changes etc.

So yes they are strict on how the ticket name vs passport name reads.One or two minor mistakes like Lopes vs Lopez maybe but you need to be sure.

Good luck and please keep us posted!