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Dubrovnik in May

I'm trying to figure out how to get to Dubrovnik from the Istrian Peninsula in May. The ferries don't seem to run until June. Is my only choice a looong bus ride or renting a car? Any info out there?

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959 posts

How far is it by train from where you'll be on the peninsula to Zagreb? We're flying from Zagreb to Dubrovnik after our visit to Lake Bled. Our flight was only about $60 one way per person (on Croatian Air).

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811 posts

Have you considered flying? Croatia Airlines flies from Pula (connects in Zagreb) to Dubrovnik, and although the shortest travel time I found was 5h40m, it's still likely to be faster than the bus/driving. The day that I spot-checked (18 May) had a promo fare available of about $75 for the flight. Otherwise, if you have a few extra days to add to your itinerary, the drive is nice and easy and would allow you to make a few stops for sightseeing along the way. (Edit: oops - I didn't see Amy's response before posting!)