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Driving to Orly from Loire Valley? Traffic?

We are planning to drive to Orly airport from Amboise in early July to catch a 12:15 flight on EasyJet to Pisa. Is this a good plan? I know it takes about 2 - 2.5 hours+ depending on traffic. We are traveling with 2 kids and most people say Orly is an easy in and out with rental car return. But I am worried about traffic.
We can get an early start. But is this an unrealistic plan?
FYI... we are from S. Ca and are somewhat used to traffic jams and have driven in France before. Thoughts?

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9110 posts

That time looks okay to me, but who knows?

I drive the route a lot, but, recently, have been inside the Orly perimeter only to pick-up or drop people off. Exit and entry from the airport by car is a piece of cake.

I have never flown Easyjet from there and the last time I flew out of Orly, PanAm was the carrier of choice.

Somebody else will have a more valid opinion.

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9110 posts

Two spots that clog up are the stretch around the west side of Orleans and, potentially much worse, the crossing highway (number unremembered) where the E05 ends a few miles from the approach ends of the easterly runways.

I'd be comfortable allowing three hours for the drive if I had a flight to catch. This is driving time, not ditiching car, getting inside, etc, etc.

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28 posts

This is helpful. I had not considered the traffic in Orleans. How early should we arrive for an EasyJet flight? 2 hours before the flight? That would put us leaving Amboise at 6:30 am? Does that sound about right?