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Driving from Stockholm to Berlin

My family and I are going to be touring a bit in Scandinavia this June before heading to Prague for a choir festival my wife is a part of. As part of that, we're going to be arriving in Stockholm on the ferry from Tallinn, then taking a couple of days in Billund, Denmark for Legoland (our 6-year-old's favorite part of the trip!) before heading down to Prague. Originally I had planned to fly for both of these connections as there are inexpensive tickets available, but lately we've been thinking about renting a car instead renting in Stockholm and driving to Billund and then Berlin where we'd catch a train for the remaining part of the journey into Prague (I've heard that train trip is quite beautiful). The cost seems to be comparable since there are 5 of us travelling, and we drove all around Scotland last summer and really enjoyed the flexibility of a car as well as all the roadside things we found that we never would have known about otherwise. But, none of us have any experience being in this region at all before. It seems like an interesting idea on paper but does anyone have any experience to recommend or dissuade us from this idea? Thank you!

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There is nothing that makes tris trip more challenging or difficult that a trip elsewhere in Europe, actually, Scandinavia is quite easy to drive with light traffic and good roads. Remember to factor in the price for bridge tolls or ferries depending on the route you plan to drive. If you go via Zealand and Funen, you will have to pass two large toll bridges (Oresund bridge and Great Belt Bridge), these are spetacular, but not cheap, the two tolls combined are nearly $100. If you choose to travel by ferry, you would use the Gothenburg-Frederikshavn ferry, and you would have to reserve in advance to get the best price. Ferry website is