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Driving from Italy to Switzerland: any custom check?


Since Switzerland is not part of the EU, is there any custom check when driving from Italy to Switzerland?

Thank you.

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1673 posts

You will indeed pass through a customs post, where you may, or may not, be asked to pull over for an inspection. If you have any goods to declare you must do so, if you have any invoices that need stamping to claim back tax idem.
But there will not normally be an immigration check, as Italy and Switzerland are both in the Schengen free travel area.

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19092 posts

In 2017, I went across Bodensee by boat from Lindau to Rorschach, Switzerland, then traveled by train to Bregenz, Austria, and back to Lindau, Germany. I never saw any customs check, or, of course, immigration on the trip.

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58 posts


No matter where you enter from don't forget to get the Swiss Vignette to stick on your windshield. It's 40 swiss francs for 2023.

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19092 posts

Or even better, don't drive! Then you won't have to worry about it.