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Driving by car France - Spain - Portugal - Spain - France WINTER weather in JANUARY/FEBRUARY?

I apologize if I have missed a post about this. I will be driving in January and February from:
Strasbourg - Moulins - Toulouse - MATARO (Barcelona) - VALENCIA - SEVILLE - LISBON - PORTO - BURGOS - Bordeaux.
Do I need to be worried about snow or winter weather travelling through these areas? Will I just need to carry chains or am I required to purchase winter tires. Any tips or websites that I can search to read information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

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20905 posts

Sorry, but I think it would be a very freak winter for you to need this type of equipment. As long as you stick by coastal routes Toulouse-Barcelona and Burgos-Bordeaux. Of course there were snow storms during the battle of the Colmar Pocket in January 1945, so it could happen.

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7 posts

Hahaha ok great! Thanks :) For the life of me I just could not find anything online by searching so that must be why.
I was worried about the inland routes like through Burgos, Spain or potentially from an inland area through to Seville.