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Does easyJet keep nagging you?

When we booked our easyJet flight back in April, for a late June flight, they were very clear about needing additional passenger data - or YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TAKE YOUR FLIGHT. (The 'shouting' is theirs.)

Since then, every couple of weeks, they send me an email giving dire warnings about the need to supply this information. Well, that data has been there since April. I got so nervous that their system might not be "seeing" the completed form that I printed copies before we left the US. The flight is in about two weeks and I just got another 'threatening' email. So, I pulled out the paper to see if I am crazy ... what could be wrong? I also checked their online system. I cannot see what they are grousing about.

Is it just us, or is this typical of their system? I don't recall it from previous years. (If they actually do send this routinely, and often, to everyone who has booked with them, without checking their system first for just the missing data cases, I would really like to shout back that this is pretty poor system design and not a way to win happy traveling customers.)

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9369 posts

I have booked with EasyJet a couple of times and never had that happen.

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4555 posts

Have you entered your passport number? Do they give you a link in the e-mail to a form to fill out? Maybe just fill out the form again and submit it...maybe it didn't "take" the first time around.

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2876 posts

We've got a couple of Easyjet flights booked for September, and have gotten no such messages. We booked the flights a couple months ago, and the only info we had to give them was our names and a credit card number and security code.

Curious as to what "additional passenger data" they're asking for.

Posted by
873 posts

I've booked with easyJet and received no such messages. Perhaps you should e-mail (or, if possible, call) easyJet to verify what information they need. Just to be double extra paranoid, use the contact info on their website instead of replying to the e-mail directly in the unlikely case it's some kind of phishing scam.

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668 posts

No, used EasyJet several tmes and never had that happen. As suggested, call them.

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408 posts

The form does say that "one or more destinations in your booking require you to provide additional passenger information in order to comply with local security laws." Our flight is into Glasgow and the data is pretty much what we had to fill out when we flew BA into Heathrow.

It is the typical data: document type and number, issue and expiry dates, countries, DOB. I am looking at our printed copies of that web form page and everything still looks right/complete. FWIW, when I submit the form the system does "thank" me for providing the data -- I have done it twice now. And it is there when I use the "manage booking" link. Odd!

Since none of you have seen this message/email (thanks for that info.) then, yes, I will check with them. Anna, I am fairly sure this is not phishing since the email leads with our booking conf. nbr. and uses my name. But it is one of those "Do not reply to" emails so I will need to call (or visit) them when we get to Paris.

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23 posts

I have my flights booked wit EasyJet and have not received such message, I was allowed to check in online and already have my bording passes, We are taking just a backpack in 2 of the flights. Question. If I booked the last flight and pre paid for one check in bag( just in case of too many souveniers) is that why I can not check in that flight throught internet and could not do my bording pass for that one?
Keri, Like somebody else said, Do the form again if that what it takes, I neede to change the names in mine to add the full middle names.

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408 posts

Javier, I had thought I'd recalled a note on the easyJet site that said online check-in was not possible if one had checked bags. But I just went online and was able to check in and print our boarding passes, and we have one checked bag each. I did see a note that said not all destinations permit online checkin, so perhaps that is the problem. Are you within 60 days of the flight?

FYI, an update. In checking the EJ site for some "contact us" data (email or phone) I stumbled onto an "online chat" option. Wow! Would that actually work? Yes, it did. The agent took my confirmation number, disappeared for a couple of minutes, and came back to tell me that all my data appeared to be in the system just fine. I asked about the nagging emails (which, of course, an online cust. service person would not really know about) and he punted ... said it was probably an "accident" and that I should ignore any further such emails. Silly system. But... whew!