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Does Alitalia actually weigh your carryon?

I just found out my Delta flight to Rome is being operated by Alitalia, and they have stringent carryon requirements (in addition to being notorious for losing luggage!) My carryon meets the size requirements, but I think it will likely be heavier than 11 pounds! I am quite worried.

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40 posts

Thanks - this is my first time going to Europe, and I'm so looking forward to it - I don't want it ruined by lost luggage! I'm wondering if I should skip the heavy-ish wheeled carryon I was going to use, and go with this instead: It only weighs a pound, but if they make me check it, it might not fare so well against baggage handlers. Oy vey - if I'd known this was gonna be an Alitalia flight, I would NEVER have booked it!!!

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1317 posts

My personal opinion is that wheels and Italy don't mix, especially if you will be using public transportation or trains to move around. Other people really like their wheels. You'll have to decide what's more important to you. And while Alitalia has a bad rep, don't worry about it too much. My flights were fine (better than the KLM flight I took the following year in fact, and KLM generally has a good reputation!) and what's done is done. Pack as light as you can and hope for the best.

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1317 posts

(...indicate paragraph breaks...) They didn't mine, 3 years ago, and generally the reports are that they don't. However, there's always a risk they might, so have a back-up plan just in case...The counter agent eyed my bags (2 smaller backpacks) suspiciously when I told her I just had carry-on, but since they looked small, no one weighed anything. The lighter they look, the better your odds, I think...I checked a bag on the way home and it arrived safely.

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16790 posts

Julia...for future reference, when booking a flight, and the number is over 1000 for an international flight, it's probably a codeshare. That means you book on one airline but it's actually operated by another.

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188 posts

My husband and I recently flew Alitalia from Rome to Amsterdam and were worried about their apparently stringent luggage requirements. Yes, they did weigh our checked luggage but we were under so no problem. No, they did not weigh our carry on luggage. I guess it all depends on their mood, the phase of the moon and whether or not they're hungry!

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4422 posts

Julia, for what it's worth, you could get that Travelon bag; if you don't want to use it for this trip, it'd make a great extra bag to pack next time in the bottom of your regular bag (for souvenirs, etc.). I have 2 bags very similar; I like them, but mine aren't nearly as tough as this one - I'm not a huge shoulder strap person, so be sure to consider that (well, not ME, but whether or not YOU want to carry it on YOUR shoulder!) Of course, it'll only weigh around 11 lbs...;-) One of the reviewers checked it b/n here and Europe with good results. OR, consider something like the RS "Appenzell" backpack - it's 1 lb 4 oz. There are some in his "Bargain Bin" in the Travel Store on sale...I've used one of these bags; they hold a lot.

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12315 posts

I really like the idea of keeping my stuff with me (especially with Alitalia). To stay as light as possible (which is a must regardless of the airlines carry-on policy), I recommend visiting and shopping for the lightest bag that will suit your needs (hint: you don't need the maximum allowable carry-on size if you pack smart).

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40 posts

Thanks, y'all! I ended up going with the Travelon bag that weighs only a pound. I am DETERMINED to do only carry-on with Alitalia!! I bought two sets of the Rick Steves packing cubes to help organize my stuff inside the bag. My travelmates think I'm certifiable to insist on carry-on, lol!

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4422 posts

Julia, if you insisted they also travel carry-on only, they'll thank you. If they aren't going the carry-on route, they'll be mean and jealous by the end of the trip!

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40 posts

Hahaha, Eileen! (I'm a Texan in NYC, btw!) I keep telling them how much walking we're gonna have to do in the Rome airport alone!! One of them is bringing 3 suitcases for a 9-day trip!!!

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222 posts

Well, I wouldn't be laughing if my travel partner was bringig three suitcases! That's going to invonvenience everyone not just the crazy person with the three suitcases.

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12315 posts

3 suitcases!.....When I think of that much luggage I envision not fitting in taxis, not being able to board trains, not being able to climb stairs in one trip, not being able to walk a block without help and being a target for theives because you can't possibly keep track of all your stuff. I did a week in Germany with only a daypack as part of a month of mostly business travel (ditched my carryon and my business attire at airport's left luggage). I got by fine.

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4422 posts

Julia, airplanes do fly from NYC to Texas - Please Come Home ;-) (as I sit in my CA home...) Brad and Gwen are right - basically if you want to move around with any speed and efficiency YOU'RE going to be carrying some of that luggage, or at least holding some of it while that person goes back for the second load...I'd have a very frank talk with that person...have they seen any of the RS videos (as an example) where people are trying to get on/off trains, escalators, up and down stairs? Do your accomodations have elevators? Eek - I'm stressed out FOR you, because I've been in your shoes!

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19352 posts

Julia, as for packing cubes, I find that they don't fit my bag very well. One fits in with lots of extra space around the sides; two together won't fit. And they seem rather heavy. I somewhat prefer his mesh bags, but the drawstring bunch things up at the top. The best organizer I have found is the Tide washing bag. At 13" x 18", it almost perfectly fits my carryon bag, and it maintains it's rectangular shape. The zipper end closes without bunching. It's flat and thin; I could put in several on top of each other.