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Direct Bus/ Train from Rouen to Honfleur

Have a 2 day stay in rouen planning a day tour to Honfleur
kindly suggest best way

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You cannot go directly from Rouen to Honfleur. You'll have to take the train from Rouen to Le Havre and the bus from there to Honfleur. Bus Verts du Calvados line 20 buses leave Le Havre for Honfleur at 07:40 and 08:49, arriving at 08:19 and 09:19 respectively. For the return you can either leave Honfleur at 16:07 and arrive in Le Havre at 16:32 or leave at 17:40 and arrive at 18:18. There is no bus service on Sundays. For detailed train timetables, use the German Rail site.