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Denver to Europe

We want to secure a flight from DIA to Amsterdam or Brussels and want to know what is the cheaper flight. We belong to AAA and usually secure our flights from this organization. Is this wise? Are there other recommendations? We will be flying to Europe the middle of April and return middle of May. Thanks Dorsey

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Dorsey, you can fly Lufthansa, Continental or United to Europe from DIA. Cheaper flights will have more stops on the way over.

You can check with AAA to see what they offer, then go on line and check the websites of the airlines for pricing. There are constant changes in the cost of flights. You just have to be willing to purchase when you feel it's the price you can afford, and not look back if it goes down by a couple $100.

April is still a fairly "cheap" month to fly, flight costs seem to go up in May - Sept.

My advise is to start checking now and buy by the end of the year. You "might" find a cheap flight even the month before, but with airlines cutting flights, seats get harder to get.

All this being said, with the global economy in the state it's in right now - no one can predict the future of the cost of flights/travel!