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Difficulty purchasing discounted Eurail pass

The Eurail site will not allow me to select my state, Idaho, to have paper pass delivered. I’m trying to purchase a 30 day continuous global pass for one senior and one adult, beginning after September 1st, 2024. This is a 20% discounted pass. Anyone having site difficulty, or have ideas how to deal with it?

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11723 posts

I have a Mac using firefox and had no problem selecting Idaho. Shows a $21 delivery charge

It took me to the sign in / create account page to complete the transaction

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6285 posts

I don't mean to question your travel plans, but just a comment that Eurail passes are not always the deal they used to be. Often you still need to make reservations/reserve seats. Have you priced out other train ticket options? Sometimes it depends on the country of travel, as well.