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Czech Railways site

Trying to buy online train tickets from Prague to Vienna on the Czech Railway web site. In order to do this, you first must register with the site. After registering, the web site is suppose to send a confirming email in order for you to complete the registration process. I have tried registering two different email-id's to no avail. I do not receive the confirming email for either email-id. I have made sure it's not a spam folder problem, incorrect email-id problem, etc. I have also sent a help question to the Czech Railway info box, [email protected], but have not received a response. You cannot buy train tickets on this web site without first registering. Has anyone encountered this problem? Does anyone know of a solution? Thanks.

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4 posts

Just checked on the Austrian Rail website. You cannot buy an online ticket on their website for travel that orginates in the Czech Republic. Any other thoughts on how to overcome this bottleneck of registering to use the Czech Railway website.

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4637 posts

You don't have to buy your ticket ahead. Simply buy it when you get to Prague.