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customs forms

Do we really need to fill out a personal declaration form (and take it to the local customs office) prior to leaving for france? Really?
For hand-held electronic games, watches, jewelry (wedding rings), camera?

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4417 posts

Laura, not really so much anymore - UNLESS you have a very expensive camera, or very expensive watch - something you might purchase for less in Europe (the point of registering those items here is to prove you took them with you TO Europe when you return). And you'd have to do this at your international airport of departure (yeah, I know - Sacramento "International/Intergalactical" Airport - snort). I think this has pretty much gone the way of checking in with the embassy and picking up your mail at the AMEX office... Now, if I was taking an impressive wedding ring (and if I had one I sure wouldn't take it!) and my itinerary took me through Antwerp...yeah, I'd fill out the form! Good news is you only have to fill it out and turn it in once, but carry it with you every time you travel. So, probably not.

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23652 posts

Double posted question with more responses under the General Europe heading.

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4637 posts

Never heard about it and I was in France just 2 years ago. Nobody wanted to see any custom declaration form. The only one which I always have to fill out is for the US on return.

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273 posts

I believe it is called a carnet. It's like a passport for expensive goods. It usually done for movie & commercial photographers that take a lot of camera equipment with them.