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Costa cruise, anyone?

I don't know if this is a result of the Concordia disaster, but Costa has reduced fares for Mediterranean cruises by 60 to 70%! A 6-night cruise around Italy starts at $519; a 7 nighter from Venice to Istanbul and back via Croatia is $799. I'll bet they will be really safety-conscious now.

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9109 posts

"...I don't know if this is a result of the Concordia disaster..." I think it's a safe bet it has everything to do with the disaster;

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976 posts

It's the start of the cruise booking season called "wave season". Lots of discounts.

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629 posts

The Travel 'Experts' were predicting lots of cruise deals long before this terrible incident occured. In 2011 they predicted this happening due to the poor economy. The ships need to set sail as full as possible - even at low fares. They easily make up their money as you head into their spa, their casino or off on their shore excursion.

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3259 posts

Those prices were for April cruises, which I would think would be prime time, not " wave" season. But I don't know what they were a week ago, so no way to know if it is related to the accident. Michael seems to think so. We're not cruisers but it is tempting at that price.

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12313 posts

I like cruises, but I only like them for itineraries where the destinations are good one-day stops. Barcelona, Rome, Berlin, etc. are not, IMO, good one-day stops. They need at least three days, preferably more, to even get a taste of the city. Many spots on the Adriatic or Baltic (or river cruises) are perfect for getting off in the morning, touring on your own, then catching the boat to the next place. When the itinerary is right, a cruise can be a great deal - the price includes lodging, meals and transportation (but beware of costly options and excursions). The cruise line also make a difference as does the ship. Costa advertises "Cruising Italian Style". At first that seemed appealing, until I read what it meant on Essentially the service is horrible, particularly regarding resolving any issue you might have. I don't usually have a problem but, if I did, I would want it fixed rather than ignored. One part of the accident reminded me of the cruisecritic complaint about Costa. Reports said passengers heard a loud sound, the power went out, and the ship listed. An announcement came on saying it was just an electrical problem. It wasn't until much later that they started evacuating passengers.

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976 posts

"Wave season" is designed to bring clients into the travel agencies, book and make deposit for a cruise occuring anytime of the year. The promotions include reduced deposits, upgrades, cabin credits, as well as reduced prices. Also worldwide, Carnival owns 11 cruise lines & Costa has so many ships- 13 or 14.
I've noticed the cookies on the computer are popping up with many sale prices on the sidebar, but I was getting snailmail brochures and emails before the disaster.

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11507 posts

Costa has always been a cheaper option out of the big ship lines,, but, never has been considered very good , for food, entertainment or service. Its just a cheaper way to get from port to port,, not a way to enjoy a cruising experience, if one looks at it that way I suppose its fine. Years ago I read many complaints about service and quality, but many still used Costa as they also offer many special deals,, kids go free (sometimes ) etc. Personally I think they are as safe as any other line,, this was a freak accident ,, caused by a freak captain, thats all.

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107 posts

Costa is fantastic. I have cruised with them 3 times and have a forth one booked. The food and service has always been excellant.

Posted by
73 posts

We have traveled on Costa twice in the last 2 years. As I am a health & safety officer at work I am very aware of safety. We have been on Princess, Holland America, NCL & Carnival.
Both times we were on Costa we loved it an didn't see or have any problems. We were also invited to see the Captain he showed us the Bridge and explained the systems. There is a lot the general public don't know about cruise ships and operations. But I know after seeing the bridge that the Captain of the Concordia goofed up royally. He is the worst example of a Captain. I would have no reservations to travel with Costa again and will in the future. There are people in this world that don't follow the rules as with bus drivers, pilots, fire fighters, doctors & service workers etc. Don't let this example of poor choices change you're mind about this company or any other cruise line.

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11507 posts

Troy not doubting you enjoyed your cruises on Costa,, but wondering, what other lines have you tried?How would you compare them?