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cosmetics & shaving kit

other than 3 oz liquids...are manual razor and blade(s) permitted on carry on? I guess shaving gel is best purchased in Rome since a 3 oz container doesn't work.

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1840 posts

I take a Schick razor that uses replaceable blades. I think any blade razors are okay except straight edge razors. You have a couple options for shaving cream. I buy the round hockey puck shaped bars, cut them in half, and put a half in an appropriate size round plastic container, the ones the have had vitamin E creme in them. GoToob also makes a round container that will work. The other alternative is shaving oil. The only two places I know of to get it is WallyWorld and online. I got some a long time ago and carry a little bottle of it in case I can't use water. Then there is the brush. An online search will turn up travelers chaving brushes. I have one of those too.

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11294 posts

US drugstores sell small aerosol cans of shaving cream in the travel section, if you don't mind the limited selec-tion of brands (lately I've seen Barbasol and Edge). These small cans are less than 3 ounces, and so are permitted in the 3-1-1 bag. I don't use much per shave, so one of these small cans lasts me for several trips. If you will need more, or don't like the kinds sold in the small sizes, you can put any amount of shaving cream into your checked bags (it's prudent to put it in a ziplock bag in case of leakage), or can buy it there. Disposable razors and their cartridges are permitted in carry on, and since they're not liquids, should not be in your 3-1-1 bag. Other types of razor blades must be in checked bags. More details here: and here: While these are US rules and European airports can have different ones, I've never had trouble with carrying on my small shaving cream (in the 3-1-1 bag) and my disposable razors, anywhere (so far).

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32329 posts

John, Although I normally use an electric razor, there are occasions when I'll resort to a disposable razor. As the others have said, razors that are encased in a holder (such as the disposable models) can be taken in carry-on luggage. I've found that Shaving Oil is the easiest and most convenient solution for travel, and it seems to last forever! Here's one example: This is the brand that I've been using and it's worked well: Shaving Oil can be carried in the 3-1-1 bag, provided it's the appropriate size. Happy travels!

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12313 posts

I pack a couple of disposable razors, then buy more when I need them. I also pack the smallest travel size shave gel I can find (check travel section in stores like WalMart, Target, grocery stores), more for missing connections, or getting stuck in an airport, than to use once I'm on the ground in Europe. That's true of shampoo as well, I pack a small one to have for an emergency, but pick up a larger bottle to travel with when I arrive in Europe.