What is the best way to get from Cortina to Vienna by Train during the day? We would like to stop and spend one night along the way just to break up the trip and then continue on to Vienna the following day. Would this be a better option than traveling by bus from Cortina to Venice and taking the night train to Vienna? Thank you for your help.
Kay, is this Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Dolomites or Cortona in Tuscany?
There is no train service in Cortina d'Ampezzo
There isn't in Cortona either.
The best way is to take the bus north from Cortina to Dobbliaco/Toblach and take the train from there. The bus schedule is here: http://www.dolomiti.org/ita/cortina/cinfo/seam/cortina_dobbiaco.pdf And you can get the train schedule here:
So sorry.. it is Cortina d'Ampezzo in the Dolomites.