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Contacting British Airways for ticket vouchers

Due to a family medical emergency, we had to cancel/postpone our trip via British Airways this summer. We've submitted, via registered mail, the paperwork to verify the emergency to receive the ticket vouchers (good for one year) that I understand we qualify for.

We've heard nothing from British Airways and have no phone number to reach an actual person to talk to about this.

Does anyone have any previous experience with this situation, advice, or contact information? Thank you for any help you can provide!

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805 posts

If you're sure you qualify (ticket is not non-refundable), call the main international reservations number and talk to them there.

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658 posts

It's probably in a big pile waiting to be processed. The BA department that deals with these cases in the UK is still trying to get over the huge workload created by the Terminal 5 fiasco. I doubt that the US office is doing much better.

If you've not heard after two months from the date you sent registered mail call their Reservations Department and ask to be put through to Post Flight Customer Services.

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2775 posts

You might try going to and posting your question on the British Airways board there.

There are generally lots of frequent flyers of the airline on those boards with expereince in all kinds of strange situations!