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Connection time in Frankfurt

Is 1 hour 15 min. enough time to transfer to connecting flight in Frankfurt. No checked baggage and it is the same airline. That amount of time worries me. Thanks

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23572 posts

It could be tight if your plane is late in arriving. Frankfurt is pretty efficient so if on time you should be OK. However, to increase your chances try for a seat closer to the exit door or exit side of the plane. A couple years we had a similar tight connection in Amsterdam but were seated in rear opposite the exit doors. We were in the last 10 to 15 people to get off the plane. Took nearly 25 minutes and we missed our connection by five minutes. Until that flight I never thought much about where we were seated. Now we are more careful.

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518 posts

My daughter and son in law had a 1 hour layover in Frankfurt. They also had checked luggage. They made it without a problem -- luggage too.

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15892 posts

Arriving from where and connecting to which destination? And at what time? As mentioned, it depends on whether your incoming flight is timely, but also where you are coming from and where you are going to. Are you coming from EU Schengen and going to a EU Schengen? Or coming from US and connecting to a EU Schengen flight or Extra Schengen? Or vice versa? Generally, however, if it's a destination with lots of daily flights from FRA, I wouldn't worry about it. They'll rebook you on the next plane out and if the wait is a few hours long Lufthansa will give you some coupons for free meals and drinks too. If it's the last flight of the day, they'll just put you in a hotel and give restaurant coupons at their expense and rebook you for the first flight out the next day. Don't worry, be happy. I've been stuck in so many places in my life I can't even count. Eventually you'll get there.

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32328 posts

Rosemary, I've had to deal with a connection at Frankfurt that allowed exactly one hour, and had no problem with that. I questioned the short connection time with both my travel agent and the flight crew, and both told me that it was a "legal connection". There are a number of variable factors that could affect the situation. For example, if there are a lot of flights arriving at the same time, Passport control may be "busy" so it may take longer to get to your next departure gate. One thing that made a difference in my case, is that I was seated at the front of my first flight, right behind business class. That meant I was able to get off the plane quickly and get to my next departure gate. I timed the journey from leaving the first flight to arrival at the departure gate for the next. I was through Passport control, through security and at the next gate in 20 minutes! Hopefully you'll have a similar experience. Happy travels!

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337 posts

Frankfurt is a HUGE airport. We connected to and from Athens, (all flights on Lufthansa, their "home" airline) and needed at least 2 hours both times. If you are connecting from the US, you will need to go thru customs before you board your next flight, AND you'll have to go thru security again with your carry-on luggage. My experience might not be typical, but I hope to never connect in Frankfurt again!

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813 posts

We also had a 1hr layover from an overseas flight entering FRA to a local airline commuter flight. Customs was short staffed and seriously backed up, took 2 hrs to get to gate with other who had missed their flight. Luckily since it was all booked together and the commuter flights run every few hours, they got us on the next one. We were seriously running through the airport, but there's nothing you can do about how fast some of the lines move. If you stay within the international section to transfer you should be okay.

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249 posts

Thanks everyone for the info. I think it will work - we fly nonstop from Denver to Frankfurt and then on to Rome. Bags will be checked through to Rome.
Frank - I don't know if I am THE Rosemary from Lakewood but I am A Rosemary from Lakewood. No worries Roberto, I am always happy. Thanks.

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1028 posts

If you have baggage booked through to Rome, then be sure to tell your flight attendant this and ask them to inform Frankfurt ground staff of this. Most likely they will have someone at the gate to meet you and rush you through if you are delayed etc.. At least that is what we Europeans are told to do in such situations. This is because it is easier for them to make sure you make the flight than go looking for your luggage and remove it from the on ward flight. However this only works if you have luggage checked on to an onward flight.