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We are flying 12-24-09 miami-rome in alitalia to connect flight to marco polo venice. We have 1 hour 1o min. time.
I cannot find clear information on fiumicino sites to move from one terminal to another. Help is greatly appreciated

Posted by
32325 posts


Taking the train from Rome to Venice is also very easy, however I imagine you've already booked your flight.

Have a look at This Website as it shows a Map of the terminal layout at FCO. Also, have a look at This section of the website for further information.

A transfer time of 1H:10M might be a bit "limited"?

Good luck and Happy travels!

Posted by
16081 posts

More than likely you'll arrive at Terminal 3 (assuming your flight is from the U.S.) and depart from Terminal 1.

Posted by
19240 posts

The problem is if you are coming in from Atlanta, you flight might not be on time, but the airline will probably reschedule you. In the 70 minutes you will also have to stand in line for passport control. Your bags might also be checked for customs, but in 11 arrivals in Europe, I've never had that done.

Posted by
3 posts

Thank you Ken for your help the sites you are giving me are much better than the ones I tried.
The problem is that at this moment I do not have any info from alitalia on the arriving terminal and the terminal to departure to venice. I guess I have to contact the airline.

Thanks again


Posted by
3 posts

Thank you all of you for your help.
Ken your sites are most helpfull; arriving directly from miami to terminal 3 and connecting to venice in terminal 1, as Frank II said. Once we pass thru customs we will go directly to terminal 1 (shuttle bus). Hopefully baggage will change planes too.
Thanks again Ken, Frank II, Lee.


Posted by
16081 posts will have to collect your luggage in Rome, go through Customs, and then re-check it in for your flight to Venice.

While most people go through customs at their final destination, your Rome to Venice flight is domestic so you will go through customs at the entry point of your final COUNTRY of destination (Italy) which, in this case, is Rome.