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Connect time in CDG

I'm new to international travel. I am flying to CDG from the U.S. via NWA. I have those tickets. I have since decided to take a flight to Barcelona from CDG via Air France, too. How much time do I leave betweeen my arrival to CDG and departure to Barcelona? I read conflicting info on the need to collect and re-check bags, passport control, etc. NWA says it is a partner of Air France and can send bags through. Does it matter I purchased one set of tickets are from NWA and another from Air France? My choices are a 130 minute layover or a 5 hr layover. What should I do?

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7895 posts

Only do the 130 Minute layover if NWA can link the ticket to Barcelona as one itinerary. Otherwise you risk missing your flight with no responsibilty for Air France to put you on another flight without additional fees. Of course to get your itinerary modified will also require a fee. The five hour layover is also a risk, but less so. An alternative might be to spend a night or two in Paris and take a budget flight later.

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864 posts

I'd say a 2+ hour layover would be enough if you had ticketed with one airline (even if they used a partner airline like Air France to get you from CDG to Barcelona). Buying two separte tickets is getting into the real iffy area. IF NWA is correct about ticketing your luggage through to Barcelona AND you do not leave the secure area at CDG all is well. You will collect your luggage and clear customs in Spain not CDG. Frankly I'd go to the airport and actually stare an agent in the eye to confirm the above. Personally I'd go with the 5 hour layover (the flights are always late taking off or getting a gate etc.) This allows for the stupid rules, unforeseen screwup factors. I travel internationally alot and have finally decided that the less chance I give for a tight connection/screwup the better off I am. Besides CDG isn't a bad place to hang out and have a nice lunch etc.