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UPDATED QUESTIONS about flight connections please (Update from previous post)

UPDATED QUESTION: I decided that 1 1/2 connection through IAD is cutting it too close for my comfort level. I can't run to gates anymore. I have not flown through any of the airports. Will you please help me decide which of the following, MUC to ??, ending in PHX.

My choices are SFO 2 1/4 hr connection or IAH 3 3/4 hour. There's also a longer connection through EWR but the flight leaves MUC earlier, so I'm not considering it now. Also a 5+ hr connection through SFO, same MUC to SFO flight but a later SFO to PHX flight, so I could have a backup option.

I looked at the airport site maps, but they really don't tell me gates, distance or timing. Only confused me more.
Thanks again for your help!!

Original Post:
After all the recent threads about airlines, it happened to me. United just changed my return flight as I knew they would at some point.

So here's my question: if I accept the change, I fly MUC to IAD (that's the change) on June 24, but have only 1 1/2 hours to connect to my flight to PHX. That's tighter time than I like. I have Global Entry but will be checking my carryon. Having never flown through Dulles, is this doable?
Or is it better to find a different return flight with longer connections? IAH, 3 3/4 hour? ORD, 2 hour?

Thanks for your advice and experience.

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5928 posts

Are both flights on United? Is there a later flight that day if you happen to miss your connection?

Connecting passengers use a separate immigration area in the C terminal so you won’t need to take the mobile lounge over to the main terminal like people terminating their flight at Dulles. Since I always terminate my flight at Dulles, I’ve never been through the immigration area in the C terminal. However, I do have Global Entry and that goes quickly in the main terminal and I’ve never waited long for luggage. I think 1 1/2 hours with Global Entry is do-able if your flight arrives on time, but it will be tight. If it were me, I’d want to know if there is a later flight that evening or if I’d get stuck overnight if I missed my connection.

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3185 posts

Thank you Laura. Sounds like it ‘s doable if all the stars align. But rather than hoping they do, I’d be wise to look at alternatives. Maybe the connection at IAH? Although I have to change terminals, I have 3hr 45 mins layover. That should be enough time, right?
All flights are on United.

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952 posts

Only to second what Laura said, if you are arriving on United to the C/D terminal and have a connecting flight, you can use the United mid-field immigration facilities -- just follow the signs. Only United passengers with connections will be using this facility, while all others terminating at IAD or making connections on other airlines will use the main immigration hall. Once you clear immigration and leave the facility, you will pop back up into the C/D Terminal.

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4158 posts

Response to Updated Question: Since SFO is now my bigger home airport I can’t tell you about connection times and distances very accurately. What I do look at when I’m unfamiliar with a particular routing is to look up which gates were used on a previous day for the same flights on There should be a good map of SFO and it’s various gates/terminals online too. I like the idea of a backup flight, even with a 5h layover if you miss the flight with the 2+ hour layover.

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1631 posts

I would go with the SFO connection. Primary reason is that you get to enjoy the international flight longer v/s having to endure another 4-5 hours in domestic economy if you connect in IAD. Also, one thing to factor in is that a lot of international flights arrive early due to the schedule padding - if this is the case, you have ample time to make the connection in SFO and there are later flights if you miss it.

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1631 posts

I would go with the SFO connection. Primary reason is that you get to enjoy the international flight longer v/s having to endure another 4-5 hours in domestic economy if you connect in IAD. Also, one thing to factor in is that a lot of international flights arrive early due to the schedule padding - if this is the case, you have ample time to make the connection in SFO and there are later flights if you miss it.

Edit - maybe SFO is not an option - i may have misread your question. In which case IAD should work just fine. Also, you won't have too much to walk if you are in the mid-field terminal (assuming C gates - though the D gates may involve a bit of a hike)- just need to get through Security.

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3185 posts

Thanks Mona and Arnold. I’ll look at the SFO map for approximate gate locations. If it’s isn’t too far to hustle through immigration and make them connection, it’ll work. Glad I have Global Entry.
Arnold, I just read your edit. Thanks for the additional info.

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17603 posts

SFO is a very pleasant and easy airport. The terminals are connected by an AirTrain which means you don’t have to walk between them. Also, United uses T3 (E and F gates) which is adjacent to the International terminal where you will arrive. Here is the map:

And I agree with the above points about staying on the international flight longer and having a shorter flight to Arizona at the end.

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4158 posts

I should give our recent experience of returning to SFO from international flights with Global Entry. It has been extremely quick with a lot of facial scanning screens available and working.

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3185 posts

Thank you Lola and Monica for the info. That really helps my comfort level.