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Connect in Manchester - customs?

I am flying from Philadelphia to Shannon next month, with a connection in Manchester. I also switch airlines in Manchester (from USAirways to Aer Lingus). Does anyone know if I will have to clear customs and immigration in Manchester, or if my bags can be checked all the way to Shannon for customs and immigration there? Thanks much!

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1976 posts

Hi Chris. A few years ago I flew from Chicago to Brussels on BA with a change in London. My traveling companion and I did have to go through passport control, customs (had nothing to declare), retrieve our checked bags, re-check them, and go through security again. We didn't change airlines so I can't comment on that.

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8700 posts

You definitely will have to go through immigration/passport control and security. You will not go through customs until you arrive at Shannon. I don't think US Airways and Aer Lingus are codeshare partners. If I'm right, then your lugggage will not be checked through. You will have to claim it and then check in at the Aer Lingus counter. But don't take my word for it. Call US Airways and ask if they will check your luggage through to Shannon.