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Confused about Swiss Family Card

Is this something I purchase and then benefit from discounts? We have two kids (12, 16) and hope to get some discounts on train and cable cars. How about the16CHF Junior Card?

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Purchasing any form of a Swiss Pass product (Swiss Pass, Swiss Saver Pass, Swiss FlexiPass, etc) while still in the USA will allow you to request a "FREE" Swiss Family Card which entitles your kids < 16 years old (not <= 16 years old) to travel 100% free with you in Switzerland wherever you go.

If you don't purchase your products in the USA then you can't get the free Swiss Family Card. However, once you arrive in Switzerland you can purchase the 16CHF Junior Card which accomplishes the exact same thing that the Swiss Family Card travel for your kids < 16 years old.

Your 16 year old can purchase a Swiss Youth Pass which is a slightly discounted version of the adult Swiss Pass.

When you have your Swiss Pass all boats, buses, trains, gondolas, cogwheels, city transports are included for free. The only exception is certain private high-mountain rail companies such as the Jungfrau or the Schilthorn. While those won't be free for you (but they are for your <16 year old) you will still benefit with a Swiss Pass because you will get a substantial discount of 25%-50%.