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Confused about Eurostar

If you have a Eurostar pass from London to Paris, then a Eurorail pass to 4 countries ending up in Stockholm, then you take the rail back to London to fly home, is that still considered Eurostar which would be a what? Roundtrip Eurostar or Open Jaw or would I just have to pay for a separate pass or would it still be considered part of my Eurorail pass?

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16031 posts

Eurostar and Eurail are two different things. There are no "passes" for Eurostar, just tickets. The Eurail pass does not include Eurostar.

However, the Eurail pass can help you get discounted tickets on Eurostar.

Eurostar tickets will cover your trip from London to Paris and then either from Brussels/Paris back to London. The Eurail pass should cover everything else.

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1358 posts

Based on the questions you ask, I would use the toll-free phone number for the agency you buy your rail tickets from to talk with an agent and ask your questions.

I prefer phoning to emailing.

Posted by
32318 posts


One thought occurred to me when reading your Post - have you considered using open-jaw flights and flying home from Stockholm? That would provide extra time for sightseeing (the travel time back to London) and would eliminate the cost of the return trip on the EuroStar.

Another alternative would be to use open-jaw flights from another major airport, perhaps Frankfurt.


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5790 posts

Jessica, a train ride from Stockholm to London would take an awfully long time ... 24 hours or more.

You can usually get a 1 way plane ticket from Stockholm to London for $100 or so. The main airport for Stockholm is Arlanda and that has the easiest connections to the city. There is also an airport called Skavsta which is about 90 minutes by bus from Stockholm. I'd choose Arlanda over Skavsta.

I would highly recommend flying from Stockholm rather than trying to take the train back to London. It will save you a lot of time. Both SAS and BA usually have competitive prices and you will have a 3 hour flight instead of a 24+ hour train ride.

Posted by
10 posts

Thank you everyone for your advice. I did not realize it would take that long to travel from Stockholm to London by rail. I think I will take Laura's advice and go by plane. Thanks again.