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UPDATE Compensation under EU261 for flight cancellation and/or delay

UPDATE: US Banks do NOT use IBAN. So there's that answer. I was finally able to get through to a real person via the RyanAir chat. Was told my bank would give me the IBAN. After I said that was incorrect, I was told I could just use my bank account number instead of the IBAN. Which of course did NOT work - "incorrect format" and no surprise there. So back to the chat (the chatbot must have known lol - just connected me with a customer service rep right away). Was told to use the customer contact form and provided a link. I replied I had already done that, and was referred to the link for a refund if I had not taken the flight, which was not the case. After I provided the customer service reference number, the chat rep was able to "upgrade" my claim, which would be "processed" in 14 days. I should be getting an email. Or - more likely - I will be back on the customer service chat again (insert eyeroll).

ORIGINAL POST: Does anyone have any experience with this? We had a 6 hour delay with RyanAir flying Palermo-Rome. We did end up taking the flight, but if I am reading EU261 correctly, we may still be entitled to some compensation due to the long delay. (Other than the 4 euros for terrible food at the airport). I am getting nowhere with RyanAir. The link they sent is for a refund if I didn't take the flight due to the delay. The other claim option requires an IBAN and a Swift Code, neither of which I have, and both my bank and credit card company's customer service have no idea what I am talking about. Emails to RyanAir customer service just get me the same auto reply with the above options.

We also had an ITA flight from Naples to Rome cancelled, with no notice and no explanation. My email to ITA resulted in a response that we would not get a refund due to "extraordinary circumstances" of "air traffic control restrictions at Naples Airport". Other flights seemed to be getting out of Naples just fine. They are pulling the extraordinary circumstance card, I am sure, to avoid any EU261 claim (but maybe not, what do I know?). Is there another way to submit a claim?


Posted by
7289 posts

Ryanair is notorious for delaying and ignoring EU261-claims (you get what you pay for?). But if you're not getting anywhere with them you can contact the relevant authority, which in this case is the Italian ENAC:

There is also the European consumer advice organisations. I don't know if they help foreigners, but here is the Italian one: You can always ask them.

The ITA flight I presume was part of a longer trip where you had a connecting flight in Rome. How long was that flight and how late did you arrive at your final destination?

Posted by
509 posts

The Naples-Rome flight was just to position us for a return flight to the US the next morning. So we did not miss a connecting flight. ITA did arrange for a bus to transport passengers to FCO (but couldn't manage that very well either - not enough seats for everyone, no idea what the folks left behind ended up doing...)

Posted by
10853 posts

Try this:
Send your claim to the Italian office.

Yes, your bank has an IBAN and Swift. You just need to talk to someone who has a smidgen of international experience.

As for slowdowns, the airport decides who goes and who stays. They chose to hold back Ryan. Happened to me three weeks ago because my home airport had a slowdown and decided our plane wouldn’t be able to land. Gave me a longer stay in Naples. I am claiming for the hotel and a couple of other things with my insurance. I didn’t bother with EU 261 because it was a labor dispute,

Posted by
509 posts

@Bets, thanks for the info, I'll try again with my bank and credit card. I mean, I paid for the flights with my card, not sure why they can't just refund that like everyone else in the world.

Posted by
10853 posts

Things are often done bank-to-bank in Europe. Credit cards function differently here, like debit cards.

But you’re right, I was refunded to my card by both Transavia and SNCF because I used an American credit card due to the trip insurance benefit.

Posted by
17604 posts

I believe they cannot just put it back on your credit card because it is not a refund, it is a penalty.

I posted about my successful EC261 claim against British Airways here:

I did not give them my bank details on the claim form so they mailed me a cheque. But I doubt you can expect that sort of service from Ryanair. I have no experience with them, but have heard their customer support is not good. Or maybe non-existent.

FWIW, BA did not ask for the IBAN and Swiftcode; they asked for the routing number and my account number. These are right on your checks.

Posted by
509 posts

Thanks Lola. The problem is I cannot even submit the claim to RyanAir without an IBAN (International banking account number, which may not even be a thing in the US, according to my searches so far) and a SWIFT Code (which my bank DOES have but my CC does not). Both are required information.

Posted by
17604 posts

According to the actual regulation ( there is a link in the Chris Eliot article in my post) the amount “shall be paid in cash”, whether by electronic bank transfer, and order or bank cheque, or, with your written consent, by a voucher. EC 261 Article 7(3).

So there is no way they can put it back on your credit card. The word “shall” is mandatory. And I am pretty sure you don’t want a voucher from Ryanair.

Your bank must have an IBAN number; you just need to find someone there who can find it for you.

But I wonder if you can do this through a third party site that arranges wire transfers from the US banks. I have seen such a company mentioned here—-I believe it is called Wise, but you should confirm that. Maybe you can open an account through them to accept a deposit. Or maybe it would be difficult to get the deposited money back from them.

Posted by
509 posts

I'll check with my bank in person tomorrow and see what they suggest. US Banks do not use IBAN. So I may need to set up an account for a wire transfer, but maybe they will have some ideas.

Posted by
10853 posts

Yes, they do have an IBAN and it includes the routing number. I move money all the time.
I like Lola’s Wise account idea.

Posted by
28864 posts

I was going to suggest Wise, because I suspect your bank may charge an unacceptably high fee for accepting the penalty payment. I suspect setting up a Wise account will be relatively simple and the fee will be a lot lower, but then you have to decide whether to leave the money in the Wise account and tap it the next time you are in Europe or have it paid out to you in US dollars, and I don't know what fees will be involved with either action. I believe all the info is on the Wise website, though.

Posted by
43 posts

Thanks for all this info. I am still dealing with a refund from Air France from LAST APRIL.