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Compensation from British Airways - Good news!

As some of you know, Stan and I had a difficult travel day a couple of weeks ago when a flight delay caused us to miss a connecting flight from Heathrow to Amsterdam. We had to hire a car to switch airports (the trains weren't running that day) and buy lunch (the food vouchers BA gave us were not accepted at the airport restaurant.) I filed a claim just a few days ago, and got this response today:

Dear Ms Xxxxxx

An apology from British Airways.

We’re very sorry your recent flight was delayed. We know this isn’t
what you expect when you travel with us, so we understand why you
needed to let us know about this.

I can assure you that your feedback has made a difference and that
we’re using your comments to help us focus on how to improve our

Thank you for sending us your receipts. I’ll transfer $202.79 to your
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx bank account using the details you provided. Please
don't respond to this email in the next 48-72 hours, as this may delay
the payment being processed.

Once again, please accept our apologies for your experience on this
trip. We hope to welcome you back on board soon.

Best regards

Vishal Gaikwad British Airways Customer Relations

I'm absolutely delighted. Filing the request was a breeze (much simpler than the claim form from our travel insurance!) and the response was almost immediate. And thanks to Carol-now-retired for giving me the right link to make the claim.

Posted by
5654 posts

Very cool that you got this and thanks for the insight. The fact that you got resolution within a couple of weeks is also a notable positive!

Posted by
6656 posts

CWsocial, it was just 4 days! Over a weekend! I'm very impressed.

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8885 posts

Gosh, that was stunningly fast. You hear so much about airlines dragging their heels on compensation.
I hadn't cottoned on that you had had to pay upfront for the car transfer. I'd assumed BA would have had a credit arrangement with the car company. as happens in the UK when a railway company puts you in a taxi due to a cancelled or delayed train. The customer never pays the taxi direct in those circumstances.
That is useful to know how it works with airlines, or BA at least.

Posted by
1941 posts

Great. Thanks for reporting back. I hope it takes some of the sting out of your sour experience.

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2351 posts

Thrilled for you! The one time we had to file for compensation it took over a year for us to actually get the money, but I talked to some lovely people during the process.

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2577 posts

That is awesome, Jane. I am glad your case was resolved so quickly. Kudos to BA. We had to file a claim with them years ago and they did the right thing. It looks like they are still customer oriented.

Posted by
6656 posts

Just checked my bank account; credit from British Airways applied today!