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Cincinnati airport

Ok guys, don't laugh, but I hardly ever fly home and I need advice. My mother booked our tickets for us through AAA. After landing in Cinci, we have 1 hour to catch our flight to Columbus. I think is ok, even if we missed the flight, due to delays, we can catch another one to Col. When we return however, there is only 40 min. between flights. I don't think it is enough, but has anyone connected in Cinci with that short amount of time? If I miss my flight back to Germany, there probably wont be another one to hop onto. We are flying Delta. Suggestions or experiences in Cinci?

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10 posts

If you are really concerned then drive to Cincinnati (one "t"). Forty minutes is very close, it is not a large airport, but still it is very close. Gute Reise.

Posted by
19227 posts

It's been a long time since I flew through CVG; it's probably changed since then. I don't recall changing planes to have been difficult then.

Here is their terminal map. They claim it's only 10 min to connecting gates. I'd say your arrival is tighter since you have to go through immigration and customs, but, then, there are probably other flights to Columbus (I assume you mean Columbus, not Colorado). I would think 40 min would be enough time to change planes IF your incoming flight is on time, but you never know if it will be.

Cincy is a hub for Delta and I think they have other flights to Europe. You might check Delta's schedule or the airport's to see if there are later flights to Europe.

Posted by
5678 posts

I used to do this fairly often. The issue is that regional flights (Comair or Delta Connect?) fly into Terminal C. You have to catch a shuttle bus to get to the big planes or vice versa. If you're connecting with Columbus Ohio, then you're likely on a regional flight. The good news is that the shuttles come often. However, it does sound tight to me.

Posted by
9122 posts

We are going to Col. on Comair. I am not that worried about getting to Col. It is the return flight that concerns me the most. We fly from Col. to Cinci on Chataqua Air. I called Delta yesterday and they said it was a guaranteed flight connection, so will just go with it and hope for the best. As for the poster that said Col. was only a 40 min. drive from Cinci, sorry to tell you, it is more like two and a half hours - 120 miles. We have driven it before, but my parents are older now and do not want to do this drive down and back.

Posted by
258 posts

I don't think you will have a problem. I have done this same connection a few times and not had any problems. One time my flight was late coming in and I only had about 20-30 minutes until my connecting flight and I still made it.

Posted by
2794 posts

Hi Jo, I have connected in Cincinnati from Dayton and didn't have any problems. I think you should be alright. You are so right, the drive from Columbus is 2 - 2 1/2 hours. As you know the Cincinnati Airport is actually in Kentucky.

Posted by
19227 posts

I think Jim meant 40 minutes is close timing at the airport, not that it is close (40 minutes) to Columbus.

Posted by
208 posts

If you have a short connection time, make a plan.

For the place you need to connect from (Cincy to Frankfurt) check out all of the available flights on the day you are to leave. If its in the evening, check the early AM flights as well.

Since you're flying Delta, check flights from Atlanta to Frankfurt as well - but check flights from CVG-ATL as an alternate. If you don't want to do all of the leg work you could also have a friend checking for you. I've been that friend, and have had to call the friend as well! I've had to do that for some trips - it pays to have done your research. PM me if you have any other questions. I'm in C-bus and may be able to help as well!

Safe travels!