Looking for cheap flight from Barcelona to Rome one-way? Thanks
Try Vueling air, or Air Berlin, prices should be between $140 & $170 USD
There might be other airline options as well - try www.whichbudget.com to check airlines that fly between the two cities.
Try Ryan Air. You'll pay half the above post's price range (at least for April 1, which I chose randomly).
RyanAir is cheap but understand that you get what you pay for. They do not use the major airport in either Barcelona or Rome, but some outlying airports which might not have the best access (but they can be cheap).
Flying Barcelona-Roma may seem fast and cheap, but wait till you waste time and money in reaching out-of-the-way airports, in two-three-hours waits and line-ups in those airports, plus the extra fees usually added onto those seemingly cheap fares. Try a Barcelona-Civitavecchia ferry! An easy overnight ride with a choice of accommodation, food, drinks, and entertainment. Civitavecchia is a one-hour, 7-euro train ride from Rome, and you can walk to the station from the harbor. Check it out!
Thanks everyone for all the great advice and help. I've put in many hours planning this trip and can't wait to tour Europe. I still have a few things to book: > Best way to get from London to Notthingham > Flight from Nottingham to Amsterdam
> Hotel needed for 3 days in Amsterdam Any ideas???? Thank again = )
"RyanAir is cheap but understand that you get what you pay for. They do not use the major airport in either Barcelona or Rome, but some outlying airports which might not have the best access (but they can be cheap)." The RyanAir flight I referred to does fly out of BCN, the major airport in Barcelona. The Rome airport, CIA, is actually quite a bit closer to central Rome than the "major airport" FCO. OP -- you might be better off starting new threads for your new questions.