Hi all, looking for a discount airline for flight from Munich to Barcelona
You did not say when you were traveling, however go to Rick Steve's favorite links and scroll down to transportation. You will find several regional airlines which offer affordable and discounted flights. I have had the best success with skyscanner.net as it is a flight search engine for European flights. It should provide the best times/price options for a wide variety of airlines. Good luck!
Check out whichbudget.com. It has four disoutn airlines listed (with links) that do the Munich-Barcelona run.
If you don't mind a layover in London, Easyjet.com has super low fares. From Munich you will go to Luton airport, then you can fly from London to Barcelona. Well you did say DISCOUNT!
There is a low-cost carrier serving Munich to Barcelona: Clickair (www.clickair.com). It's a Spanish start-up but the CEO and top management team are experienced UK industry specialists. One of the airline's characteristics is to only fly into main airports - unlike Ryanair, EasyJet etc.